Friday, 17 February, 2023

Top 10 Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Automation Predictions in Asia/Pacific – Quick news bytes and insights

The future is bright, the future is AI in Asia and the Pacific region

IDC predicts that by 2026, 30% of AI models will incorporate multiple modalities of data to improve learning effectiveness and address the current everyday knowledge shortcomings in single-modality AI solutions. Multimodal AI, a new AI paradigm, bridges the gap between humans and computer intelligence by combining various data types such as images, texts, speech, and numerical data with multiple intelligence processing algorithms and achieves higher performances.

This study presents the top 10 predictions for AI and automation initiatives through 2028, assessed based on its impact (a mix of cost and complexity to address) and time frame to the expected stated adoption level.

Top 10 key points

  1. Talent gap: To automate IT processes and to support business end users adopting AI and automation technologies, 55% of IT businesses would invest in AI capabilities by 2023.
  2.  Embedded AI: By 2026, AI-driven features will be ubiquitous throughout business technology, with 65% of companies using them to improve results without hiring specialist AI personnel.
  3.  AI for Risk Management: Up until 2026, when 60% of Asia-based 2000 businesses’ (A2000) CFOs will incorporate AI risks as part of enterprise risk programmes, model risk and governance will absorb more business attention as AI models become strategic.
  4. Low-Code/No-Code Adoption Accelerates: Codeless development tools will be used by most companies for at least 30% of their AI and automation projects by 2023, allowing them to scale digital transformation (DX) and democratise AI.
  5. Foundation Models: By 2026, only the top vendors will provide the industry’s standard utilities, such as enormous (>1 trillion parameters) foundation models (for NLP, AI-generated pictures, etc.).
  6. Multimodal AI: To improve learning efficacy and eliminate the current everyday knowledge gaps in single-modality AI solutions, 30% of AI models will combine several modalities of data by 2026.
  7. AI/ML as the Big Flip: By 2027, 25% of A2000 firms will have AI-assembled applications, replacing traditional developer employment. This is due to the componentization of applications and developments in AI/machine learning (ML).
  8. Multimodal Collaborative Automation Platforms: By 2025, 30% of companies will implement intelligent business execution strategies, accelerating the entire automation life cycle with AI to speed up development and optimise benefits.
  9. AI-infused Operations: To increase asset efficiency, streamline supply chains, and boost product quality across diverse and scattered locations, 75% of large Asia/Pacific firms will rely on AI-infused operations by 2026.
  10. Sustainable AI: By 2024, 25% of A2000 firms will implement tools to measure, predict, and optimise the cost-benefit of their AI life cycle in response to sustainability and economic uncertainty concerns.

Key thinking and insights

Artificial intelligence (AI) and automation technologies are evolving quickly, allowing businesses to scale digital transformation, democratise AI, and gain considerable operational benefits. Companies are investing in AI capabilities because of the skills gap, and they can speed up their adoption with the help of low-code/no-code technologies. A higher priority must be placed on governance and risk management as AI models become more strategic. Collaborative automation platforms and the incorporation of multimodal AI are also contributing to increased efficiency in learning and a corresponding acceleration of progress.

As a result of growing economic uncertainties and concerns about the environment, businesses are increasingly focused on quantifying and optimising the cost-benefit of their AI life cycle.

By 2027, it’s conceivable that AI will have wholly reshaped business models, with AI-assembled applications replacing human developers thanks to advances in AI/ML and the componentization of programmes. These findings ultimately imply that firms need to adopt these new technologies to maintain their competitive edge.


Please note

I have no affiliation with the companies/technology/people mentioned, and it is designed to highlight the thinking. This analysis is 100% independent for the benefit of the data/business community.

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  • Giving the best advice on AI strategy and approach
  • Helping extract the most value out of  AI
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